Justine Gardner
We first came to LPO in 2003 with our 3 young children, we all loved it so much that we just carried on coming - only missing an occasional year (because Paul was deployed or serving overseas with the RAF.)
2009 was one of those years, but I decided to make the trip with, by then our 4 children, two sets of grandparents, an aunt, an uncle and a couple of cousins (we loved it so much we wanted EVERYONE to come!) As we sat in the Sunday service the speaker announced that there was a military family here without their dad and husband but that he had a special message for them. I was super excited and told the children we would find this family after the service as we understood how challenging it is to be here without our dad and it would be good to connect. As we sat there, up on the big screen my husband appeared. He was waist high in snow (he was in a different hemisphere to us!) and he had managed to send a video message to the LPO team especially for us. The love we felt from our LPO family that morning is beyond words. The speaker said he was going to ask who’s family this Serviceman belonged to - but the whole tent had already worked that out, as we all sat there tears running down our faces - the joy of seeing him on the screen (remember these were pre-Zoom, facetime & WhatsApp video call!)
We are so thankful to God for His provision of this campsite, for those who are called to serve here and for the ‘extra mile’ they will go to bring joy and Gods love to the campers. While everything around has been changing over the years, LPO has been a constant - yes there are different cleaners, bar staff, leaders, teachers, musicians. But for our family, it is a place where God has been found & is always tangibly present. It is where our family still find ‘home’ each summer. Our youngest (now 18) has been in every children’s group - and can’t wait to come and serve here herself. Thank you Team LPO for being an integral part of our family over the past 20 years and having us be part of yours.